. . .
*Abby sits at dining room table looking at garlic powder bottle...*
*picks up and opens*
"ooooooooohh!!!!! BANANA SWIRL!!!!!!"
"worlds biggest sniff*
*Makes horrid face*
*cough* *choke*
*sputter* *cough*
*gag* *die*
*falls on floor*
Hannah and I DIE laughing...
*stunned look*
...bannana swirl?
wow, thats wesome
I stil can't get over that. I'm still laughing about it even now.
BANANA SWIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hannah - Montana - Banana.
..yeah, apparently she tought the picture of the garlic on the front looked like a banana... *shakes head*
um... how 'bout teach her to read?
she might be reeeeally open to it now since you can 'splain how it's for her own safety and the comedic deprivement of others.
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