Monday, August 21, 2006

. . .

...Something for you all to think about before you, yet again, bring up your stupid...pesty...annoying..."Go to college, or you'll never be anything" remarks...

Should girls go to college?

"...In society today, very few people give a second thought after graduation to whether or not they will go to college. It is usually just a given. You graduate from high school, you go to college.

Though this may be the widely accepted pathway, is this God's route for us as Christians? If you were stranded on a desert island and all you had was the word of God to base your decisions upon, would it change some of what you believe and do? How has the world's methodology influenced your thinking and practice?

In the past few years, we have seen many young people who appeared to be wise beyond their years go away to college and seemingly lose everything their parents taught them. We have seen them turn their back on God and break their parents hearts. After witnessing such things, we began really thinking through the whole college experience in light of God's Word.

God created women to be the a help meet for men (Genesis 2:18). Women are not only created to be the help meet for man, they are created to be under the authority of a man (Ephesians 5:22, Colossians 3:18, 1 Timothy 2:12). Scripture is clear that fathers and husbands are to be the heads of their household (1 Corinthians 11:3) and that wives are to submit to their husbands (Ephesians 5:22). How does college prepare a young woman for any of those things?"

...No, I am not going to college or furthering my education in any way after I graduate...No, I do not know what I am going to do after I graduate, and yes it does bother me...and you all being idiots to me isn't helping any.
Now leave me the heck alone...before I really tell you what I think about you all being pests...


At Wednesday, August 23, 2006 9:08:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am of the mindset that college is not a necessity to survive in life, whether you're male or female. Society tries to make it seem so, but it isn't entirely true. People without college educations can even become famous and successful! I am living proof that college isn't necessary to "live". Whether or not I qualify as a success is up for debate however. 8)

That being said, I believe what the Bible has to say about how we as Christian men and women are to carry out our roles in life. A bit more on that later...

If you have a particular career interest that requires college, then blah, blah, etc... I don't believe that the automatic "next step" should be go-to-college without even thinking, just go cuz Pop and Uncle Herb did and all the cool dudes on the frisbee team are going. Actually, I think that's what's wrong with most students. They're in college for no particular reason other than it was expected. Or to party. One is as bad as the other or will lead to it.

I think in this day and time it takes a very mature high school graduate to go straight to college and not be instantly derailed by the new life he/she finds him/herself in. And obviously, there aren't that many mature high school graduates.
(not that you aren't! I'm trying to make a point)

I personally don't have a problem with a young woman going to college if she has a specific interest she wants to pursue. [AND if somehow the proper living arrangements can be found] I mean, there is life before motherhood and if you choose to, for instance, go on missions trips and you need to have certain skills, etc... then PTL! More power to you! Or maybe you want to work with children placed with social services... or maybe even something less grand and philanthopic... maybe you just wanted to learn to keep books and ledgers, so you got an accounting degree and then worked for a CPA for awhile?

Whatever.... I'm saying there's nothing wrong with going to college, just have a purpose for it, PLEASE! (said to all the kids lining up at registration tables right now!)

Otherwise, when you marry and have kids, yes, stay home, enjoy your kids, love and teach them because they'll be gone before you know it... don't leave them at daycare to go work a job to earn money so you can afford to leave them at daycare.

Hmph! How's that for telling folks what you think?


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