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When we were little, my cousins Steph, and Nate and I, would visit our grandparents together. We would always sit at their dining room table, drink hot chocolate, and tell stories. We would tell these stories, by each of us taking turns saying one word at a time. For an example, we would say, "once" "upon" or "once" "there" "was". And we would always say the first word that popped into our minds. *Good times!*
Get it? Good. :D Nate and I were talking earlier, about how we missed those old times. So we decided to do it again. Minus the grandparents table, and hot chocolate. :D Here's what we got.
Once there was a box, that had flowers under it.
I loved my dog, untill he ran into a fence.
When he bit mom, she screamed "MOOSE!".
After ten hours I laughed.
77 flowers said "CAT!".
The End.
Once a llama licked my ear. I ran around so my shoe jumped
out of the pool. 24 days ago the wind blew over a cow.
When I woke up I stepped on a elephant. He didn't know
that Jim Carey was in town. Untill Jim thought of green peas.
He then smashed 22 acorns on him.
The End.
I like the one about Jim Carrey lol
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