Saturday (the 17th)I went to Ohio to see my new cousin, Anya Sophia(Stephs new sister), with my grandparents. We left at 6:00 in the morning. yawn. Then I went to sleep (sound familiar?). At 7:30 we stopped at Bob Evans in Richmond for breakfast. Then I slept some more (Sound familiar again?) and did some algebra. lol
I have a pic of the Cincinatti skyline, but it wouldnt upload onto here! Just picutre thousands of very large builings on an overcast day. lol
Crossing the river. LoL

The Bengals Stadium.

Ha. I love this tunnel. It's muy interesting.

The last fifteen minutes of the ride was pretty boring. lol We finally got there, at about 10:30. I had to wake Steph and Kris up. Sound familiar? lol When they FINALLY got out of bed, they went to Skips Bagel Deli (for breatkfast), and I watched them eat(since I was still full from my ginormous breakfast at Bob Evans).

When we got back (to Stephs house), I saw Anya for the first time. She's adorable! Caroline (Steph and Anyas sister), is holding her in this pic. I love this picture!

Then we sat around for a while and tried to figure something out to do. We decided on going to the animal shelter, and then to the movies, so see Just Like Heaven. So we headed out in Tink, Kristens jeep. That Silas stole the TinkerBell atenna topper off of! And went to the animal Shelter. We looked at all the dogs, the rabbits, hampsters, gerbils, then the cats. The next picture pretty much shows how that cat felt about his cage.

Heres another one batting at Kristens hand.

Then we headed to the movies. We bought our tickets, then walked around Hallmark, laughing at all the dumb gag gifts. lol Then Kristen and I joined the Army. The movie was supposed to start at 1:30, we got in there at 1:15, and it had already started! Way for it to start when it's supposed to. . .

Then we went to the river, either before crashing at Stephs, or after. I don't remember. lol Anyway, at the river, we bought snow cones. I got a pink lemonade one. But it wasnt pink, and it didnt taste like lemons!

Later on we went to the park to swing. . .untill the kids came over and stood there staring at us. lol Guess they wanted them back. After we got back to Stephs, Kris left, and we watched Sleepover. Which was dumb, but funny. That night, Steph and Kris found out that they're good at making fun of Jake and Dustin.

Kris wouldnt wake up.

So we went to Skips again, to pick up breakfast, in our pajams, by ourselves. lol After Kris finally woke up and left. We did nothing. . . Except have a one sided conversation with Dillon, and and most likely scared him to death. . .And Steph made our hair look like fountains.

We left at about 2:30, and got home at like 6:30.