Monday, July 17, 2006

. .

Can you cook? To what extent?:yrp...nothing too fancy...and not in small when i cook, i cook for 8 (with leftovers)
What brand 's soap do you use to wash your hands:whatever i get... as long as it washes off the barnyard smell
Have you ever had cod liver oil?:..nope.. and i dont really plan on it
What color is your favorite backpack?:..I don't think i have one...
Have you ever won a raffle, lottery, contest, scholarship, etc?:yrp
How many nationalities are represented in your ethnic background?:...Native American (quite a few different tribes), English.. and well.. i'll have to finish this Q later. lol
Have you ever been to Hollywood?:nope
Have you ever been to a conference or convention? Which?:nope
What fandoms do you consider yourself a member of?:...herm
Have you ever made a website?:...not really..?
How often do you laugh?:daily...and usually more than i probably should. lol
How often do you get your haircut?:1-2 times a year... depending
What do you collect?:Memories...and occasionally DQ spoons..haha
Describe your favorite natural scene::A small shady spot under a tree, in the woods, next to a little stream, and some flowers...And NO bugs!
What time would you rather go to the beach?:at night, so i could see the moon on the water
Do you want one of the home makeover TV shows to do a room of your house?:no.. they'd do it wrong and i'd have to fix it back that way that it was
What is the most advanced math course you've taken and passed?:...i'm not going to answer that...
What animal do you find most annoying?:BUGS!!! And dogs...because theylike to lick your face.
Is there a specific type of shoe you wear ALOT?:I normally don't wear shoes..i despise them actually
Do you like the mall? Why or why not?:sometimes. They're freaking wesome...but also expensive and filled with WAY too many wierd peoples
How many radio stations do you listen to? (AM/FM):umm....2...?
Have you subscribed to any other system of belief than your current one?:..boys are freaking idiots and need to evaporate..haha
Do you still use "floppy disks"?:nope
What is your most retro possession?:umm... i don't think i have one
Do you take supplements?:nope...
Where do you do most of your grocery shopping?:walmart
What car do you drive? Is it your dream car?:I have a car.. but i don't drive it...i dont have a dream car, as long as it runs and wont die on me, i'm good
Where do you want to be buried?:...i dont care... should i care?
What is your greatest personal dream?:to always be happy and laugh no matter what
What is your highest career ambition?:...
What do you want to invent?:something to make boys disappear..and to give some common sense to my girlfiends when they need it... lol
What do you want to write a book about?:...
What about the world do you want to change?:the way people handle their relationships
Where do you want to live?:I'd live anywhere as long as i was happy.. but preferably somewhere with lots of trees, and very few neighbors
Where do you want to retire?:...
Where do you want to vacation?:Hawaii. Or some random cabin in the middle of the woods somwhere..just to get away from the world...I'd settle for anything pretty and relaxing though...
Who do you want to meet?:Jesus
Who do you want to help?:Everyone
Besides the above, what do you want to do before you die?:Help children, raise some of my own, and grow old with my wesome

Friday, July 14, 2006

. . .

*talking about the rain*

Chet says:
i'd just got to the explorer and out of the fair when it started
Chet says:
its just now gotten bad
Wren says:
is it supposed to rain tomorrow?
Chet says:
everyone that sang stunk

...Is Wren the only one lost here?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

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*Talks to Steph over instant messenger, and little cousin Carly*

Mel says:
Hi Carly!
Steph says:
"Mel wants me to tell you that she says hi."-Steph
"Oh, is it Mel?"-Carly
"Oh, cool."-Carly
Steph says:
She just said "at least we like her"


Seph says:
Carly was upstairs making a sandwich the other day
Steph says:
and Nate and his friends were down in his room
Steph says:
and they were being really loud
Steph says:
and she came down and was like, "YOU GUYS REALLY NEED TO BE QUIET.